We ordered some plants from Raintree Nursery this winter, and they just arrived. Over the next few days, we’ll be working on getting them planted, pruned, and mulched. We’re posting this to share our experience with Raintree Nursery.
Trying a Natural, Low-Maintenance Lawn
Lawn care may seem like a strange thing to discuss in relation to self sufficiency, but it’s more related than you might imagine.
To maintain a traditional lawn requires a lot of fertilizer, water, herbicides (for weed control), work, and equipment (lawn mowers, edgers, aerators, etc., plus the related costs of fuel and maintenance). These costs all add up, and so do their impact on the ecosystem. This article about water quality in streams improving after a fertilizer ban is a perfect example. Another good read is American Green: The Obsessive Quest for the Perfect Lawn, which details the history of lawns, and the development of the lawn care industry.
We decided to start looking at alternatives to the traditional lawn. This came from desires for a lawn that is lower maintenance, less expensive, and natural and organic for our chickens to forage on (while still looking nice).
Putting up Peaches
We received a box of peaches, many of which were bruised, had insect damage, or other blemishes. We decided to cut out the bad bits and make peach butter, reserving the few unblemished ones for making brandied peaches. Continue reading “Putting up Peaches”
Berry Pie Filling
We have a family recipe for preparing berry pies. We use it for blackberries and huckleberries, but it should be suitable for any other berry so long as the sugar is adjusted for the berry’s sweetness.
Potato Barrels
This year was our first year growing potatoes, and we tried them in barrels. We had one barrel of Red Pontiac and one of Yukon Gold.
The idea is that you take a big barrel, drum, bag, or other vessel and make sure it can drain out the bottom, then put in about 6 to 8 inches of soil and plant your seed potatoes. As they grow, soil is added to keep pace with their growth, until you reach the top of the barrel. They are supposed to send out roots all along their path to the top of the barrel, sprouting potatoes all along the way. The end goal: a barrel full of potatoes.